FOSROC Nitocote EP403
Nitocote EP403 is high build epoxy coating for applications to damp/wet surfaces. a two pack, solvent free, epoxy resin material.
Damp-tolerant, corrosion resistant solvent free epoxy resin coating
Nitocote EP403 is a two pack, solvent free, epoxy resin material. It is supplied in pre-measured quantities ready for site mixing and use. The material cures to provide a smooth, tough and resistant finish.
- High build application.
- Suitable for use in confined areas.
- Can be applied directly to steel and concrete.
- Smooth, glossy, easy to clean surface.
- Corrosion, chemical and abrasion resistant.
- Can be applied to damp surfaces.
Main usesIt is supplied as a two pack, solvent free, epoxy resin material in pre-measured quantities ready for site mixing and use. The material cures to provide a smooth, tough and resistant finish. |
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