MasterEmaco S 443
MasterEmaco S 443 is a combination of Portland cement, well graded sands, aggregates and special additives to reduce the possibility of shrinkage cracks and to improve physical, and installation properties.
When mixed with water MasterEmaco S 443 produces a flowable micro concrete ideally suited to cast/poured applications.
Where is MasterEmaco S 443 applied?
Large volume repairs, to all structural elements within:
- Oil gas and petrochemical foundations, supports and retaining walls.
- Jetties piles, harbour walls and other marine structures.
- Columns, Piers and cross beams on highway structures.
- Water production, treatment, intake and outfall structures and sewerage facilities.
- Tunnels, pipes and other below ground construction.
- Cooling towers and chimneys and other industrial environments.
- Beams, colum
What are the advantages of MasterEmaco S 443?
- Improved cement hydration, reduced micro defects and drying shrinkage better bond using applied Nanotechnology
- Dimensional stable repairs, low permeability and enhanced durability through synergistic shrinkage control systems and best binder models
- High modulus ensuring transfer of loads to parent concrete
- Reduced installation time, easy mixing, and placing of repairs with excellent flow characteristics
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