UsageSikaEmaco® N 202 can be used as a:
Product Details
Polymer containing cementitious mortar with different additives
Shelf life
12 months from production date.
Storage conditions
Store in undamaged, unopened, original sealed packaging in dry conditions at temperatures between +5°C and +35°C. Protect from direct sunlight, heat and moisture.
Maximum grain size
~0.6 mm
Compressive strength
≥ 15 N/mm2 (28 d, w/p ratio=0.24) |
(ASTM C109) |
Tensile adhesion strength
≥ 0.8 N/mm2 (28 d) |
(ASTM D4541) |
Mixing ratio
Max. 6 litres of water per 25 kg bag
Layer thickness
Max. 3.0 mm in one single layer
Ambient air temperature
+5°C min. / +35°C max.
Substrate temperature
+5°C min. / +35°C max.
Application time
~60 min (25°C)
Initial set time
~90 min (25°C)
Fresh mortar density
~1.85 kg/l (25°C)
~16.7 litres per 25 kg bag
SikaEmaco® N 202 can be mixed with a low speed (< 500 rpm) hand drill mixer or using a force action mixer. Pour the recommended water amount in a suitable, clean mixing container. While stirring slowly, add the powder to the water and mix thoroughly at least for 3 minutes to acheive required homogeneous consistency. The obtained mix should be very creamy, easily spreadable and thixotropic. Do not add extra water or other ingredients after mixing.
Normal tumble type concrete mixers are not suitable.
Do not mix more material than can be placed within its pot life.
SikaEmaco® N 202 can be applied by brush, trowel or spatula. As soon as the mortar has started to set it can be smoothed by wooden or synthetic float, XPS block or sponge.
Where ambient conditions may lead to rapid surface drying, the use of light water fogging for 48 hours or application of a suitable water based curing compound from Sika® Antisol® range is recommended. Do not commence fogging until final set has been reached.
Clean all tools and application equipment with water immediately after use. Hardened / cured material can only be mechanically removed.
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